Margot is an interaction design researcher exploring the playful, emotional and appropriate incorporation of technology in everyday life, developing innovative design methods and experimental prototypes for social interventions in public space.
Her current and upcoming work at the PLAY studio [Interactive Institute, Sweden] is within a new research platform called ‘Public Play Spaces’. Projects focus on wearables and textiles, public technology systems, and community expression, in particular: TEJP {a system for public communications and audio graffiti} and Underdogs & Superheroes {design methods for social interventions in urban space}. Outreach activities include founding the local creative collective [fringe], tutoring postgraduate Interaction Design students at the IT University Göteborg, and lecturing worldwide.
Previously she worked as a research fellow at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy. Together with Kristina Andersen and Laura Polazzi, she initiated FARAWAY {}, investigating game-based user methods for designing alternative means of emotive long-distance communication.
With a background in product design and new media installations, she received a {B.S} in Industrial Design from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a {MA} from the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), New York University. At ITP, she focused on interaction design and installation art in projects such as Breathe, which received an honorable mention from the LIFE artificial life competition, and Front, exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2002 and ISEA 2004.
I hope to attend RAM 6 to share and exchange ideas surrounding social concerns of new media and interactive devices and/or systems in public spaces. As I am very open to and even call upon experimental methods in my own work drawing ideas from game play, performance, all levels of prototyping, props, the Situationists (Psychogeography, games etc), mappings and task analysis etc., I am excited about the prospect of joining in for the RAM 6 performance as a performer, director, set or prop maker and|or producer. I also believe I can draw on experience from the RAM 4 workshop I participated in, the Open Source Architecture Group that stemmed from that workshop, and my participation in and organization of several other workshops connected to the themes you mention in your call including the Locative Media Workshop, Emotions in the World (UBICOMP 2002), Epic Everyday etc.