2005-04-07  Journal on media culture BALSAS is starting up
BALSAS (eng. literally “voice”) is a omni-directional medium, which is streaming information to the audience and receiving an echo in a form of public discussion.
BALSAS is an interdisciplinary journal on media culture. The journal wears a format of new media and has an intention to create a digital and critical community, which develops the discourse of media culture in Lithuania.<www.vilma.cc/balsas>
2005-03-07  reclaim LITHUANIA
2004-09-25  RAM6_documentation
2004-09-11  press on RAM6
Links to the articles on RAM6
2004-09-03  Streaming from VILMA to Ars Electronica / Kunst Radio (Linz, Austria)
VILMA: John Hopkins mix is streamed directly from VILMA office in Vilnius, Lithuania to Baltimore, Maryland, USA and then sent to Kunstradio in Linz, Austria for transmission on FM, shortwave, and online. This streaming is a part of Kunstradio's special live radio project "Reinventing Radio: THE LONG NIGHT OF RADIO-ART" happening at Ars Electronica this year.
2004-08-23  RAM6 programme
RAM6 programme is announced. Workshops are only for participants. Public events are on 26-27th of August 18.00-21.00 and public streaming forest[vilma.cc]CAC is on 28th of August 18.00-22.00. All public events take place at CAC, Vokieciu str. 2, Vilnius.
2004-08-17  Workshops and participants
Workshops ant tutors have been announced and participants' list has been updated. Click >RAM6 on the left.
2004-07-10  RAM_6 call
RAM 6 workshop entitled "Social Interaction & Collective Intelligence" will take place from August 25th to 29th, 2004 in Vilnius, Lithuania
2004-04-03  about RAM
RAM - Re-approaching new media - is a collaboration project http://www.ram-net.net
2004-04-02  supported by
RAM6 is supported by: CULTURE 2000, EKPC, KSRF, LRKM, Lukrecija, UAB Bite GSM, APM kompiuteriai, UAB Svytejimas, ACM (Actual City Media), Innovation Computer Group, UAB JCDecaux Unicom, LRT, Ekskomisaru biuras
2004-04-01  contact
for further questions and information please contact info@vilma.cc