2004-05-09 Vytautas : digest
Vilma is considered to be a collective intelligence and need to look for theory…and its representations. SO I chose theories of information society, they come mainly from sociological, economic and communication sciences. So together these theories and experience of welfare states, give an example for Lithuanian government to create and implement information society theory in real life.

In the first text, from the political institution, I consider this legal document as ironic in points as to how to be a good citizen. It can be considered real, because it is a legal document – a policy framework –how to go forward onto this new information society, which is based on statistical information. It isn’t scientific, but it can be one example of a collective intelligence. It isn’t “scientific” because it predicts and brags too much. It is a key paper, there were several before it, and this is the newest one. It isn’t realistic because it is too futuristic for the actuality. It should be balanced by other statistical information.

I have another report, a survey with conclusions, a reality about e-society… a report made showing Lithuania is lacking behind in this e-society context, of networking, computer context… etc…It talks about social inclusion and exclusion… the majority of Lithuanians think that internet requires advance computer skills, and that they think that this perception is linked to insufficient knowledge of internet and that people, even if they don’t know what is internet, they feel socially excluded because of not having that connection…

The Personal Identity summaries
This is also some kind of futuristic tone; only he [Saulauskas] looks at the more personal side of identity, as individuals, not collective, but these persons are joining together via elements of information society. He describes the attributes of these people, and these attributes are joining in the society… they share something in a specific virtual way. If we compare the situation of collective identity in the legal document, and this critical text… here we can see the difference… these attributes don’t results in this legal document, maybe because these personal attributes is considered to be a kind of symptoms of the “illness” or even collective identity. These identities are joining into a new collective identity-dream: Information society.

The Mcluhan text… the first one is games theory… I like the games as he describes as extensions of man, and I understood games as simulation of social interaction. If we consider Baudrillard and simulacrum and simulations, then game is as simulation of social interaction via media…The text shows that games are a kind of collective identity and social interaction, in a practical example. .

Another excerpt form “Media as translators”… is an “old fashioned” link to 1960s McLuhan: as external consciousness is necessary, more so even as private consciousness.. it is through the whole text… And he has some thoughts about inclusiveness, that electricity is total and inclusive, but if we consider this as similar to the net, then people are excluded today

In terms of synthesizing one notion can be that this social inclusion and exclusion that goes through all these texts… There can be some notions of game theory inside this legal document of policy…
The difference between reality and policy and how they are connected through media…
Technological is one way… but to use this media as a metaphor…. for these technological as well as sociological differences…